Download key generator for Thomson Reuters EndNote X4

EndNote X4

is compatible with Microsoft* Word 2010 and introduces new formatting options for citing scholarly papers properly. EndNote links in-text citations to the bibliography automatically in Microsoft Word*with or without hyperlinks. Users also have increased options for formatting footnotes with customizable short forms as well as full support of the APA 6th style including a multiple author ellipse. The new combined Edit and Manage Citations command consolidates the most frequently used functions in one Cite While You Write window. And, users can view a report of references cited in a Word document with a new auto-group in the EndNote library.

Other features of the upgrade include: * Create new groups by comparing, combining and suppressing existing groups.

* Modify references easily in the new Quick Edit tab on the main library window.

* Edit references when comparing duplicates.

* Expand library retrieval results by adding wildcards within search terms.

* Cite While You Write in over 4,500 journal styles!
